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SoulDeevas' Hip-Hop Majorette Dance Team

Picture Ruey Classic 2023 Majorettes1.JPG

2023-2024 Uniform List

Hip-Hop Majorette dancing is relatively new to the Northeast region, but is becoming rapidly popular.  It consists of high-energy, synchronized, rhythmic dance moves that draw from modern dance, jazz, ballet, gymnastics, Salsa, stepping and of course, hip-hop dance.  Members of our team should expect to be exposed to each of these genres over the course of their careers with our team.

The SoulDeevas will be a competitive team and will be trained to compete on local, regional and national courts.  In addition to learning majorette dance (both hip-hop and HBCU style), they will also learn social etiquette and sportsmanship and how pursuit of excellence will help their higher educational pursuits and open up opportunities for long-term careers.

The team requires discipline and a willingness to learn and adapt.  It will demand the utmost in respect from the dancers, coaches and staff alike.  The young ladies will be asked to do things that their peer organizations might not do (no cursing; strict rules around decorum, attendance and punctuality; fitness routine) and it should be understood that they must confirm to all of our rules in order to participate.


To join our mailing list and be notified of tryouts/registration for our next season, please complete the form which can be found under "REGISTER NOW" under the "HOME" tab on this website.  Thank you for your interest.

2023-2024 Application

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